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 Wine Spinner

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Jumlah posting : 177
Join date : 23.04.08
Age : 43
Lokasi : Bandung

Wine Spinner Empty
PostSubyek: Wine Spinner   Wine Spinner Icon_minitimeThu May 29, 2008 3:54 pm

Wine Spinner 2258267116_f0af021e78_o

Despite it’s apparent simplicity, SpinWine performs a set of complex actions as the wine circulates around the small open cup chamber and through the double helix into your glass. The improvement in flavour and scent occurs because of the structural changes brought about by the unique process.
Numerous experiments has perfected the exact size of the cup and the spiral funnel achieving the desired softness of the wine.

When wine is spun in this way, it goes through a process of oxidizing and structural reforming causing chemical changes that affect both the flavors and the texture.
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